Authorization Рейтинг-каталог серверов Lineage2
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There has been a lot of talk about some legacy servers lately. While this may be news to some...
Main Provisions

  • Operator is the owner of the death game portal and is a party to the User Agreement. The Operator manages and provides technical support, as well as grants users access to the portal and services (including paid services) under the terms of the User Agreement.
  • User is an individual who visits the portal or participates in the projects of the portal.
  • Portal refers to specific software and hardware systems hosted on the Operator's resources. Access to the portal is provided to Users solely by the Operator. All rights to use this portal belong exclusively to the Operator.
  • Additional Paid Services involve granting the User additional special features of the Portal for a fee. These services are optional and provided at the User's request. Paid Services are also provided by the Operator exclusively within the Portal.
Additional Paid Services

  • Upon the User's request, the Operator provides Additional Paid Services, which enable the use of the Portal's extended features.
  • Additional Paid Services are not a mandatory condition for using the Portal and participating in the Portal's projects.
  • Once the Operator debits the User's account, the Additional Paid Service is considered fully rendered and of proper quality.
  • After the provision of the Additional Paid Service, the money spent on its acquisition is non-refundable.
  • The User agrees that the Operator has the right to store personal data obtained when purchasing Additional Paid Services.
  • The list and cost of Additional Paid Services are published only on the website/portal. Any information and offers for purchasing these services on third-party sites are considered fraudulent, and the Operator is not responsible for them.
  • The methods and possibilities of acquiring Additional Paid Services are explained by the Operator on the Site.
  • The Operator does not explain the operation of payment systems through which the User chooses to acquire Additional Paid Services and is not responsible for their incorrect operation.
  • In the event of technical failures on the Site or intentional actions by the User, as well as other cases of providing Additional Paid Services without debiting the User's account fully/partially, the User must inform the Operator. The User must then settle the arising debt.
  • The Operator does not refund the cost of unused (partially used) Additional Paid Services to the User.
  • The User bears all financial expenses related to the acquisition (transfer of money) of Additional Paid Services at their own expense. This section includes fees, payments, and other expenses.
  • The User guarantees the Operator that they have all the rights and authority to enter into this Agreement regarding Additional Paid Services.
  • If a User under the age of 18 acquires any Additional Paid Services, they must first obtain consent for the financial transaction from their legal representative. The fact of acquiring Additional Paid Services serves as proof of obtaining such consent from the legal representative. If necessary, the Operator has the right to request written confirmation of consent and the provision of passport data to determine the User's true age.
  • The responsibility for acquiring Additional Paid Services lies entirely with the User and their legal representatives.
  • Disputes over responsibility for acquiring Additional Paid Services with the Portal Operator are inadmissible.
  • Additional Paid Services may be available to the User only after full payment.
  • In the event of non-standard situations requiring a refund, such as the User not receiving Additional Paid Services, the User can send a message to the Administration using the contacts on the page,, providing payment identification details. -  Lineage2   Lineage 2,  ,   Lineage 2   2,   2, L2     L2Top!   Lineage 2   Lineage 2   Lineage 2   Lineage 2   Lineage 2   Lineage 2   Lineage 2,   Lineage 2   Lineage 2  Lineage 2,   2   Lineage 2 |    Lineage 2   Lineage 2,   Lineage 2, Lineage 2 L2King -    Linage 2